In October 2013 Telegram reached over 100,000 daily active users just a few months after launch. A few months later, in the spring of 2014, Telegram announced that it had reached 15 million daily active users. As of 2019, the number of daily users worldwide has reached 300 million.
You can chat with up to 200 people and share 1GB media with friends and family.
Telegram Mod APK and features:
All-Device Friendly of Telegram App APK
As an application that is both simple and lightweight, Telegram Pro is considered easy to use for all mobile devices currently on the market. There is a perfect crystallization between gmail messaging to be able to meet all the personal and business needs of today’s users.
Telegram Account APK
People can sign up and create an account of Telegram easily by simply linking a phone number or a gmail and password. A phone number will represent a telegram account. The application is the perfect crystallization of gmail and messaging to help you a lot in work and study.
Funny Stickers in Telegram APK
Capturing the user’s preference of wanting to insert funny stickers as well as edit photos in a unique way, the developer has expanded this feature. You can easily send and receive emojis, stickers.
Telegram APK’s fast speed and good security
One feature that many people are most interested in about a messaging application is security. You will find it extremely annoying as well as annoying when others know the message as well as invade your privacy. Understanding that, the developer has encrypted all your messages on cloud data to ensure absolute security for your messages and activities on the application.
Because of its relatively small capacity and optimal algorithm, Telegram Mod APK’s message sending speed is extremely fast. This is also a big plus for the application in the eyes of users.
Unlimited Messages on Telegram Mod APK
The app allows you to chat, send messages or unlimited media files. Your messages will be encrypted and sent to the cloud so you can use or remove it easily.
No ads on Telegram app
When using an application, the most annoying thing is definitely the ads. It makes you find it extremely annoying when it keeps popping up on the screen and annoying when turning it off again and again. But for Telegram Mod APK, ads will never appear here. Also you will not lose any registration fee when using. You will be completely assured and comfortable when using this application.
Telegram APK Absolute Privacy Guarantee
This application allows you to create secret chats that are extremely useful for you when you are worried about your privacy being violated. Especially in this option, your chats will be automatically deleted from both chat devices within a set period of time. Make sure your content will only be read by the recipient.
Participants in this secret chat must receive an invitation from you, and they must accept it before you can both start the conversation. In particular, there is a secret chat room that does not work for large groups, but only works for two-person conversations.
Telegram APK ensures privacy
The application allows you to use it with complete peace of mind about your privacy absolutely no third person will know your secret chat.
Telegram is a lightweight and fast messaging application. Possessing an extremely user-friendly interface and many amazing features. So in the world there are hundreds of thousands of users every day. What are you waiting for, Download Telegram For Android for your phone to be able to use the special services of this application. A completely free and secure messaging app awaits you.